Saturday, June 07, 2008

Sofie's World

Hi everyone,
We have created a blog that is solely dedicated to our beautiful daughter Sofia. The main reason this blog exists is for the Grandparents who live out of state (and Josh's parents are about to leave the country) to have a way of watching Sofia's development from far away. Of course anyone else in the family and friends are also welcome! If you like to have access to Sofia's blog please send us an email at And now for your viewing pleasure a video of the cutest hiccups ever.


KJ Kenfield said...

How adorable. I love these videos of her normal life. This is such a fun way to share her life. Mom K

Linds said...

Cute! When I was playing the video Tonks (our puppy) thought the noise was another puppy and now she wants to meet Sofie so they can play. :)